
The Find Deals Wizard

The Investment Dominator makes it easy for you to get started with the ‘Find Deals‘ wizard which walks you through a step-by-step process of getting property and owner records into the system so you can feed your investment machine. To get started, click the ‘Find Deals‘ wizard option from the main dashboard: On the first …

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Why does the system import fewer records than what is requested from the data service?

Have you ever wondered why when you are using our outside data service integration you get fewer records than the amount requested? No matter how you create records in the Investment Dominator CRM our system will need to verify 11 fields of data that are needed for import regardless of whether you are importing by …

Why does the system import fewer records than what is requested from the data service? Read More »

How To Generate A 1098 Document For Active Loans

IMPORTANT: While the Investment Dominator CRM provides users with the option to generate a 1098 document, you must consult with your CPA and have them review the document prior to submitting it to IRS or your buyer. The Investment Dominator system gives you the option to generate a 1098 document for your active loans. NOTE: …

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Add Records

For the most part, you’ll want to create records in the Investment Dominator by importing data from into either the ‘Land’, ‘Houses‘, or ‘Marketing‘ tabs. However, from time-to-time you may need to create just a single record manually. For that please follow the process below. Create A Land Record Hover over the ‘Land’ tab. Click …

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