The Investment Dominator Quick Start Guide Part 2 – Setting Up Domains

The Investment Dominator Quick Start Guide Part 2 – Setting Up Domains

Hello and welcome to the second part of your journey with the Investment Dominator. The main topic for today is how you can begin to set up your domains for your buying and selling site. This article is meant to be a gateway to other domain providers which means it will be constantly updated.

If you missed part 1 of the Quick Start Guide on setting up your profile, please click here

If you are wondering the reason for customizing and creating our own domain since we are already provided a default one. You want to remain different from your peers and the best way to do this is by adding a personal flair to your website link. Especially when sending this out to your potential prospects!

Step 1: Register Your Domain and Point It To The Investment Dominator Server

Please note we recommend having separate buying and selling domains. This is simply because they both have two different purposes and in order to keep the flow of traffic to your site regulated for your potential prospects there should respectively be two channels one for selling and one for buying.

Step 2: Mapping Your Domain To your Investment Dominator App

Once the setup has been made with your domain and directed to our server the next step in the process will be to connect it to Investment Dominator.

Go into the customize tab on the Investment Dominator and go into your Website Settings – Buying from this section you will be prompted with an option to change your domain. Go ahead and click on this so we can register your new domain.

Go ahead and enter your new domain information for your buying site and if you made sure to connect your C-Name record with Investment Dominator click the check box below. From there hit the next button to confirm your domain name.

Step 3: Secure Your New Domains

Now after you confirm you will be prompted with a screen telling you your domain was changed and instead of just clicking okay we want to hit the Click Here To Secure Your Domain button. A lot of people miss this step so if you happened to click away, go into Customize -> Website Settings – then under the buying site domain there should be a button like so in the picture above which says Secure Your Domain.

Then you will be presented with a screen that looks like this enabling you to generate your SSL provided by Investment Dominator which will secure your website so you can have even better search optimization for your Buying or Selling site.

Then there you have it you have officially set up your Domains and have redirected them onto the Investment Dominator. Not to mention your sites are also now secured allowing for search engines to quickly prioritize your site rather than if it was not secured. The next step of this journey is Quick Start Guide Part 3 which is all about Customizing you can find this here. While you are still at the start of your journey with the Investment Dominator If you run into technical problems you can also message using the help function provided. For more information on where to find this check out this article here.

The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance, and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning. – Oprah Winfrey

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