How to Change the Status of the Property (for House Investing)

How to Change the Status of the Property (for House Investing)

One of the most important keys to keeping your records organized (and making sure that no deals fall through the cracks) is to keep each record in the proper status.

By default, each new record is put into the ‘Prospect‘ status. While you can bulk update records after a mailing, you can manually change the status in one of two ways. You can either:

1. From the ‘Houses‘ section, select the records that you would like to update. And then click on the ‘Actions> Change Status‘ option:

Houses> Select Record> Actions> Change Status

And select which status you would like to change your records to (all the records that you select will be changed to this status)…

Change Status> Select Status> Confirm Move

2. A second way is to change the status from inside the contact record itself. From your dashboard, click on the link that says ‘Edit

Houses> Edit Record

And once inside the contact record, change the ‘Property Record Status‘ to your desired status. After that, click on ‘Update Record’ at the bottom of the page to save your record.

Houses> Edit Record> Property Record Status> Change Status> Update Record



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